Wednesday, December 3, 2008


If you just sneezed, something was probably irritating or tickling the inside of your nose. Sneezing, also called sternutation, is your body's way of removing an irritation from your nose.
When the inside of your nose gets a tickle, a message is sent to a special part of your brain called the sneeze center. The sneeze center then sends a message to all the muscles that have to work together to create the amazingly complicated process that we call the sneeze. And this entire activity takes place in seconds !!!! It is the job of the sneeze center to make all the muscles work together, in just the right order, to send that irritation out of your nose. And fly it does - sneezing can send tiny particles speeding out of your nose at upto 100 miles per hour!!!
Causes of sneezing are mainly due to cold air, dust or pepper. When you catch a cold in your nose, a virus has made a temporary home there and is causing lot of swelling and irritation.
Did you know that you always close your eyes when you sneeze?

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